Foldit Wiki

Puzzle 392 is at:

The puzzle started on 01/11/2011 and ended on 01/18/2011

"This is a Quest to the Native of Puzzle 387: Trapped in local minimum, which was a Foldit prediction by Crashguard303 for CASP9 Refinement Puzzle 10. You can see how close Crashguard303's CASP9 Foldit model was (sadly we did not submit it to CASP). We would like to see how difficult it is to reach the native state from this start. Only the buried sidechains will be shown on the native guide."

The top score was tbd (solo/evolver score by tbd).

Several people kindly posted screenshots of their top solutions:

Evolver solutions:

  • tbd 1st place evolver solution: tbd

Solo solutions:

  • Top solo score of tbd by tbd

