Foldit Wiki


void save.Quicksave(integer slot)
Quicksave to a slot. (Range 1 to 100)
V1 Function Name

save.Quicksave saves the current solution in the specified quicksave slot. The existing contents of the slot, if any, are replaced.

The solution can be reloaded by save.Quickload.

A quicksave is similar to manually saving a solution using the Save Solution or Open/Share Solutions dialogs. Quicksaves are visible in Open/Share Solutions when "show auto and quick saves" is checked.

Quicksaves for slots 1 through 8 can also be performed manually using shortcut keys. For example control+shift+1 saves the current pose to quicksave slot 1.)

Quicksaves are saved in files, so they can still be reloaded after restarting the Foldit client. Quicksaves are specific to a track, so you must be in the same track to reload a given quicksave.

Quicksaves are saved in a file with the extension ir_solution under the puzzles directory for the current Foldit client. The path to the file is as follows.


In the path, *puzzleid* is the numeric ID of the puzzle. This is the value returned by puzzle.GetPuzzleID, and corresponds to the "node number" of the puzzle on the Foldit website.

The *userid* value is the numeric ID of the current player. This is the value returned by user.GetPlayerID, and corresponds to the "node number" of the player on the Foldit website.

The *trackname* value is the name of the current track, which is "default" by default. This is the value returned by ui.GetTrackName.
