Foldit Wiki

Screenshot - Graph Properties

Selecting Graph Properties summons the Graph Properties Window (See following screenshot). This window allows you to adjust graph properties and memory usage..


Screenshot - Graph Properties Window

Max Graph Length: This is the number of actions the game will record, which in turn is how many changes you can undo when you click the "Undo" button. Available range currently is 25 to 100 (as of the May 2020 "BUNS" update, but available range values may change as updates are release).
NOTE: You must click on "Apply" for the settings to take effect.
TIP: The higher the value will inherently increase the amount of RAM a puzzle may consume, depending on Memory Usage setting. (see below)

Memory Usage: This is how much, in percent, of the Undo graph is stored in system memory (RAM). Available range for values is 0% to 100%. Generally speaking, the higher this number, the faster the game can Undo changes because more of them will be stored in the much faster system RAM; the lower this number, the more of the Undo steps are stored on the slower system drive (in the Foldit directory).
NOTE: You must click on "Apply" for the settings to take effect.
TIP: If you experience lots of crashes, some players have found that setting this to a lower value like 75% can help. (Of course, most computers newer-than 2018 come equipped with enough RAM that lowering it shouldn't be necessary.)

Graph Colors: This is simply a Color Legend to help you understand what color lines correspond to which actions were performed. It is not customizable from in game (but it can be changed by closing Foldit, and editing the Theme.txt, where changing the colors is through the three sets of numbers [in RGB values].0 0 0 being black, 255 255 255 being white; backup the file, then save your changes and relaunch Foldit).
